A Japanese Spitz Dog Called ANNANN

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Image of DogBeach

How did people describe ANNANN when they met her the 1st time?
This question didn't take me more than 5 seconds to answer it.
Here's the answer,

ANNANN the Proud & Beautiful JS

(1). About ANNANN Herself:

Born a beauty, ANNANN was given to my family when she was only one month old (or two months old? Not sure). ANNANN was a female Japanese Spitz dog with a thick snow-white coat, a pair of big bright clear black eyes, and a tightly curled tail looked just like cotton candy.

Of course ANNANN liked to go out and play but she always kept herself as tidy as possible. She never sitted down when she went outside unless a clean mat was placed on the ground. Image of Dog2Hearts

Always a proud Spitz, ANNANN never looked up to any other breeds except once, and for this once, that she spotted an even prouder award-winner male Pomeranian trotting in front of her in the park. She trotted along admiringly. I never saw her like this before and after.....

I believe ANNANN's motto would be like this:


Animated RobotDancing

(2). About ANNANN's Site:

Last month (May, 2000) I watched a documentary concerning abandoned/stray dogs in Taiwan. I couldn't believe what I saw.

I couldn't believe people could be so CRUEL to our best friends who have been loyal to mankind for thousands of years.

I couldn't help every one of them by myself. Dogs couldn't speak for themselves, either. But I can let the world know what is going on in Taiwan.

That's why I started to build this website, not only for ANNANN, but also for every dog out there whose life deserves our


2005.02.20 Taiwan

by Carolyn (A Canadian In Taiwan)

There is a growing problem with stray dogs in Taiwan. These dogs are certainly not the problem, but those unloving and cruel people who abandon these poor creatures when they are no longer cute puppies, or are too much trouble for them to handle and feed anymore.

The government needs to look at Taiwan's problem in a proactive sense, not a retroactive sense. How do we prevent all these poor dogs from being homeless, unloved and at risk of dying on the streets? Through educating the public, and sponsoring no-kill shelters.

My husband and I, since moving to Taiwan from Canada almost six years ago, have saved one stray dog from a wire chokehold and three stray cats. They have given us soooo much love in return for their lives. God blessed us the hearts to care for animals and to take mercy on those who are at a great disadvantage. Everyday we go around the town we live in and feed as many strays (dogs and cats) as we can find. We know that these animals will have a full belly and at least a few hours of content and rest from not having to search for food.

I ask that all those reading this take a moment to contemplate the necessity of helping this problem of strays in Taiwan. Each one of you sees stray dogs/cats on a daily basis. Feed them. Talk nice to them. Appeal to your government to come up with uncruel and humane ways to deal with this problem. Open your heart and your home to a little one today. We all need love --


Do you know the fact that there are more than two million (2,000,000) stray dogs in Taiwan, while Taiwan has only an area 16 times smaller than France?

...If you would like to know what's happening to stray dogs in Taiwan;

....If you would like to help saving stray dogs in Taiwan;

.....If you would like to adopt stray dogs in Taiwan;

Please go to our "Save Stray Dogs In Taiwan" webpage:

Save Stray Dogs In Taiwan

And please also visit these K9 websites around the world:

Help Abandoned Dogs Around The World

Image of Annann101
Website Established On June/02/Y2K.
Since counter reset on June/27/Y2K,
You are ANNANN's "unique guest" number:
Image of PianoPlayer
P.S. Turn on your speakers if you love music as much as ANNANN does, and if this noisy midi song doesn't bother you.....
This song is "INTERMEZZO" from Cavalleria Rusticans.

***Here are the short cuts to
ANNANN's "K9 Allied Forces":

* * *
* * * HSUS
* Battersea * Piicats * Doglovers
* Love Your Dog * In Loving Memory of Misha * A.R.F.C.
* Kimyata Japanese Spitz * Beauty * Yeza
* K9 In Spain * Photo Albums by rostam112 * Der Hund
* Maggie * Amigos * Bright Eye Society
* Devil Dog * Moneva's Japanske Spisshunder * MY DOG - a tribute to dogs
* Koirapakolaiset - the Dog Refugees * irishdogs.ie * Dogmarkselected
* Schipperke Talk * Paris the JS * crazyforDOGS
* Dogster * *
* * *

"K9 ALLIED FORCES (links)"


*This is a no-kill non-profit canine website established on June/02/Y2K.
**Copyright © 2000 All ANNANN's photos appear on this website belong to ANNANN & CHEN. Always ask ANNANN & CHEN for permission before you use ANNANN's photos.
***Copyright © 1999, 2000 All 3D graphics and animations (except the Dancing Robot) appear on this website are free samples provided by
